{ "type": "FeatureCollection", "count": 1421, "crs": { "type": "name", "properties": { "name": "ProductsByGeo" } }, "features": [ { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "productId": "629574eb6841157d3062649f", "title": "'A Day Out' by Marguerite Derricourt", "overview": "On 3 July 1999, Rundle Mall welcomed four new residents —Horatio, Oliver, Truffles and Augusta. Made completely from bronze, these life-sized pigs look to be having a great day out in Rundle Mall as they walk the Mall, dig through the bin for food scraps and greet passers-by.\n\nThe art installation officially known as A Day Out was created by Marguerite Derricourt, the winner of a national sculpture competition instigated by the City of Adelaide in the final stages of the Rundle Mall upgrades in the late 1990s.\n\nThe people of Adelaide loved the pigs so much, a competition was held to name them and you can find a plaque next to each pig stating its name and the name of the person who named them.\n\nChildren and adults alike are often seen hugging, sitting on and posing for pictures with the popular pigs on their days out in Rundle Mall.", "category": "ATTRACTION", "image": "https://assets.atdw-online.com.au/images/12e14fafc353e8d431cb9c0f05f1d0d7.jpeg?rect=0%2C0%2C1600%2C1200&w=280&h=210&rot=360&q=eyJ0eXBlIjoibGlzdGluZyIsImxpc3RpbmdJZCI6IjYyOTU3NGViNjg0MTE1N2QzMDYyNjQ5ZiIsImRpc3RyaWJ1dG9ySWQiOiI1NmIxZWI5MzQ0ZmVjYTNkZjJlMzIwYzkiLCJhcGlrZXlJZCI6IjVjOWEwMDBhNWNjMDM2MjRhZDY0MTJlMiJ9", "address": "Rundle Mall, Adelaide, SA, 5000", "region": "Adelaide", "scoreHeatmap": 0, "score": 0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 138.6025388, -34.9228403 ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "productId": "64a4154ff16f9c93791fa7e5", "title": "'All About Veneers' with Dr George from Adelaide Dental - WellFest Adelaide", "overview": "You are invited to an 'hour of power' with the talented Dr George from Adelaide Dental, for a comprehensive introduction into the world of Porcelain Veneers.\n\nSeen social media overseas veneers?\n\nScared about how much of the tooth should be taken?\n\nWondered why veneers look fake on some and not of others?\n\nWorried that your teeth will be too white?\n\nThe myths will be debunked, and the ins and outs will be presented in a simple, digestible short presentation, all while enjoying a Champagne and Strawberries.\n\nPlease note, Before and After images will be presented, in a comfortable review format.", "category": "EVENT", "image": "https://assets.atdw-online.com.au/images/e794c499447b6e5fc6caf9e958ea799e.jpeg?rect=0%2C200%2C1600%2C1200&w=280&h=210&rot=360&q=eyJ0eXBlIjoibGlzdGluZyIsImxpc3RpbmdJZCI6IjY0YTQxNTRmZjE2ZjljOTM3OTFmYTdlNSIsImRpc3RyaWJ1dG9ySWQiOiI1NmIxZWI5MzQ0ZmVjYTNkZjJlMzIwYzkiLCJhcGlrZXlJZCI6IjVjOWEwMDBhNWNjMDM2MjRhZDY0MTJlMiJ9", "address": "51 Rundle Mall, Level 3, Adelaide, SA, 5000", "region": "Adelaide", "scoreHeatmap": 0, "score": 0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 138.6015872, -34.9230809 ] } }, ....